Cornwall Tour - Blogging On - Jack in a Box

Good evening readers.  Time for another installment of my travelogue blog, this time covering my forthcoming summer holiday to Cornwall.  By bike.

Sometime late last year I signed up for an organised cycle ride entitled "St Ives to St Ives."  The idea was to ride from the St Ives near my house (Cambridgeshire) to St Ives miles away (Cornwall.)  This was quickly adopted by the bike club I belong to and perverted into Cambourne (where we live) to Camborne (in Cornwall, where we don't.)

As 2020 cycling season approached corona mania gripped the UK.  This coincided with my work on an emergency ventilator project which really got in the way of my training.  I wasn't to concerned at that point as I was confident the trip would be corona-cancelled, which it duly was.

My joy on hearing the trip was off was quickly spoiled by several of my fellow bike club members taking the initiative and organising a self-run trip which I foolishly agreed to join.  The Bullrush Bike Club were established during the 2010's and named after a poll of its members identified the Bullrush as the group's second favourite wetland grass.  This is the same cycling group fans of my blog may recognise from my 2018 Sweden adventure. Sweden Day One

Some Bullrush - Yesterday

Whilst I somehow got away with the Sweden trip with minimal training I don't think I will be as lucky this time.  The past two years have not been kind to me and the time spent working on the ventilator meant 7 working days a week and zero exercise.  As soon as was possible I joined the BBC for some of its Sunday morning and weekday evening rides.  They have been very patient with me so far, even though I have been a good way off the pace.

BBC evening ride - yesterday

On a more positive note the club are very much on the fun side of cycling and even more importantly seem to love the coffee and cake stops almost as much as the riding.  I think they have cake in Cornwall so we should be fine.  

The route we are taking is vaguely as follows:

Day One - Cambourne (Cambridge) to Swindon

Day Two - Swindon to Somewhere near Plymouth I forget the name of 

Day Three - Mystery location to Bodmin 

Day Four - Bodmin to Penzance via Camborne (Cornwall, spelled wrong, not by me, by them)

I have a few aims for the trip, one is to get to the finish and the second is to meet Cornwall's most famous cyclist, Mr Pither.  The latter of which explains today's blog title.

Tomorrow's blog will be more interesting as I will have actually done some stuff.  For now I am off to put my bag of spare pants in the support van, which I am delighted to report is a Mercedes.  In the meantime why not follow me on Twitter

The Support Van - today


  1. Looks like a one way journey. Is there a return leg?


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