It had to happen sooner or later, a week of surviving on a few hours of sleep a night had to have consequences. The main consequence was 12 hours of lovely revitalising sleep last night, not even Alistair's snoring could disturb me (luckily as it remains really really loud.) The view from the hotel room is not too shabby although it was slightly overcast today:
Handy for Miami Beach |
Breakfast was taken at a leisurely 12:00 in a Denny's near the hotel, although not that near the hotel really isn't in that kind of 'hood. Something I have noticed is the price of Denny's has risen as I head East. I suspected this was the case yesterday but today it was confirmed breakfast was $1.50 more than in Austin, although the pancakes were slightly bigger so that may be why.
A key task on this trip was to stock up on new underpants, I have been travelling to the US a bit less with work recently so supplies were running dangerously low. It was decided that the best place to go for this purpose was the Sawgrass Mills shopping mall. This proved to be a mixed blessing. I was quickly able to secure some underpants then decided to go for a walk round the rest of the shops. What followed was an afternoon in a labyrinth like mall where both Alistair and I got lost on several occasions, this was a typical exchange from messenger:
By the time I left I had not only the required underpants but probably all the new clothes I will need for the next couple of years and I have some clean shorts I can put on tomorrow to replace the pair I have been wearing all week which I spilled coffee on three days ago.
The plan was to head from the mall to go on an swap airboat ride, however due to the amount of time the mall took this did not happen, so that is something to look forward to for a future trip. The drive back to the hotel from the mall was great fun, Alistair finally managed to figure out how to make more than three different songs play on the car stereo so we had a range of Miami based music to listen to (including today's title track - Ice Ice baby, chosen as our hotel is on A1A BEACHFRONT AVENUE.)
A real life gas monkey |
Crockett and Tubbs in the next Miami Vice remake |
Sadly it is the last night of the trip so this evening was the final night out. Traditionally when one is in Miami one should head for the fashionable South Beach area, however as two early 40's chaps we concluded it might be full of arseholes so elected to visit a local bar. This was an excellent choice. The bar in question was George's Bar and Grill which was an Italian restaurant staffed by mainly Brazilians and Russians. During the evening I joined Instagram so had to take a picture of at least some of my food:
Mozzarella and Parma Ham - not half bad |
Dinner was really rather good, a ham and cheese thing to start followed by Veal, which was Veally good all served with a side of spaghetti. But the best thing was the barman who at the end of the evening post Limoncello presented the bill with the most beautiful line ever "I have only charged you for two beers each." This was great as we had drunk at least 8. He got a big tip, we got a load of free beer, everyone's a winner except George whoever he is.
Outside George's Restaurant and Bar |
A quick Uber back to the hotel and time to turn in for the night. It seems since writing the earlier section there has been a change of plans and if we wake in time air boats could be on. That is assuming they don't interfere with Denny's eating......
Either way why not follow me on
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