Jour Trois - retour à la maison

Thanks to my room mate it was an early start today. A late night realisation that he had booked a train for the 11th of May rather than March (I always get those two confused) meant Alistair had to hastily book the first Eurostar of the day to have a chance of getting home in time for his mum to cook him a mother's day lunch. I did find it quite funny when he realised his mistake, then less so when the alarm sounded at 06:15. A poor nights sleep was compounded by the room having about the same temperature as the planet Mercury, which as they told us at school, is so hot a tin kettle would melt on its surface. Opening the window for a bit enabled me to doze for a while but the prevailing high temperature when coupled with the inexplicable lack of a clock in the room meant quality sleep was hard to come by. Following a hotel breakfast I decided the best course of action was to bid my friends goodbye and enjoy a leisurely walk in the Paris sun to the North Station....